Email Шаблоны

osTicket полагается на предопределенных шаблонов, отсылая авто ответы, уведомления и тревоги. У каждого шаблона есть ряд переменных представленных ниже.

Базовые переменные Другие переменные
%id ID заявки (внутрен. ID)
%ticket           Номер заявки (внеш. ID)
%email Email адрес
%name Full name
%subject Тема
%topic Тема обращения
%phone Номер телефона + доп.
%status Статус
%priority Приоритет
%dept Отдел
%assigned_staff Assigned staff (if any)
%createdate Дата создания
%duedate Due date
%closedate Дата закрытия
%message Сообщение (incoming)
%response Ответ (outgoing)
%note Внутренее сообщение
%staff Имя менеджера (alert/notices)
%assignee Менеджер назначенный
%assigner Менеджер назначенный на заявку
%url osTicket's url (FQDN)

Please note that only known (supported) variables are substituted. Non-base variables depends on the context of template type to which they are used.

New Ticket Auto Response: Autoresponse sent to user/client on new ticket if enabled. Meant to give the user the ticket ID which can be used to check the status of the ticket.
New Message Auto Response: Confirmation sent to user when a new message is appended to an existing ticket. This can be emailed or web-based replies.
Over Limit Notice: Ticket denied notice. This is a one time notice sent when the user has reached the max allowed open tickets defined in preference section. Reasonable limit helps control spam and possible email flood loops.
Ticket Response/Reply: Message template used when responding to a ticket or simply alerting the user about a response/answer availability.
New Ticket Alert: Alert sent to staff on new ticket.
New Message Alert: Alert sent to staff when user replies to an existing ticket.
New Internal Note Alert: Alert sent to selected staff ( if enabled) when an internal note is appended to a ticket.
Assigned Ticket Alert: Alert sent to staff on ticket assignment.
Overdue/Stale Alert: Alert sent to staff on stale or overdue ticket.

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